Friday, March 31, 2006


Sick again.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Further research (i.e. asking my Spanish native 10th graders) has revealed that para de chingarme actually means stop f*cking with me! Oh gosh, that is even more rude than I suspected.

The punishment that the Dean of Students assigned for this particular infraction was rather severe. The parent had to take a day off work and shadow the student at school all day (which incidentally was today). Of course, today her behavior was impeccable. But then, she always does behave for me.

Students usually behave for me even if they misbehave most of the time in other classes. The reason is that I often quickly win them over. For better or worse, many students see me as a magical type of person who makes them able to do work that, without me, would be impossible. I spend much of my time trying to show them that I am not the magic key and that they do have the skills and can learn the strategies to do it all without me. However, being that many do see me as the magic key, their behavior is generally good for me.


I went to the sample gear sale today at Beach City Rocks and got a nice new hat. Then I went home. I went home without having much of a climb because the place was crawling with wild kids and because I don’t feel great. I have a cold coming on.

When I got home, I gave Schataje her treatment and gave Tala a bath (lucky dog). Now I am contemplating tidying up a bit before getting into bed early. I am also watching “Extreme Makeover Home Edition – After the Storm” which takes sappiness to a whole new level of sap.

Tomorrow, Tala will be attending school with me. The students are so excited. They have been waiting for this and asking about her everyday since I told them I would bring her in two weeks ago. Days when Tala visits are like holidays, the kids love her! I brought in this book for them to read to her. It is about a hideously ugly dog; Tala can relate.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

work at home

I did not go to work today. I took the day off and took care of stuff at home. I went to the grocery store (for the first time in almost a month!), bought a couple new plastic containers at Target, deposited a bunch of checks, cleaned the garage and worked at packing/organizing the house. Tala and I got quite a bit done, but I couldn’t believe how quickly the day went. A few years ago, when I was unemployed and sat at home all day for three months, the days just seemed to drag by a year at a time. Today was over, it seemed, almost before it had begun!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


1998, cold fall day in Philadelphia

Wallis, drinking eggnog out of a cup on Christmas Morning, 1997. What an amazingly talented dog.

Fall 1994, marching band. I played saxaphone, because it is louder than clarinet and you can use a strap. It was fun but cold and very dorky.

1996, Incredible! I have always had a long tongue.

Monday, March 27, 2006

pug = pig?

Poor Puggy-wug
Oh, what is the matter with poor Puggy-wug
Pet him and kiss him and give him a hug.
Run and fetch him a suitable drug,
Wrap him up tenderly all in a rug,
That is the way to cure Puggy-wug.

- Winston Churchill

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Echo Cliffs

Today, Keith, Joe, Sri, Tala and I headed out to Echo Cliffs for a day of climbing. The hike in was a real butt-kicker, hot, long, and exposed. But it is worth it, because climbing at the cliffs is great. Tala especially liked the hike and even did a few 4th class scrambles by herself. When we reached the cliffs, we started out in the Grotto and climbed a 5.9 and a 5.8. Then we jetted over the Easy Street and practiced leading on some really easy climbs (5.6 and 5.7). Finally we went over to the Java Wall and climbed up a 5.10a and a 5.10b. It was great day, and we are all exhausted!

5.8 in The Grotto
Tala, guarding the gear.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Schataje update

Schtaje is really well this week. She has more energy than I have seen in a long time and I didn’t notice any bleeding at all this week (Schataje has been experiencing bleeding since way back in summer ’05 but we didn’t really notice for a long time).

Schataje has come to enjoy her treatments very much. I say, “Schataje, it is time for your treatment” and she runs over, jumps in my lap, and nuzzles my hand while I get the needle ready. During the treatment, she purrs and flexes and unflexes her claws happily. I used to think she purred because she was nervous, but now I know that she purrs because she is happy. I wonder why she likes them, that needle hurts!

big trouble

I was out of the classroom all day at a training seminar about standards based ongoing assessment (yawn). My sub got mad at one of my ninth graders and sent her to the office for saying "para de chingarme", which apparently is very rude. I have been spending the last ten minutes trying to figure out what this means. Here is what my investigation has turned up:

Babelfish translation: “it stops of chingar to me” costs $39.95, not worth it

Compilation of and
In order for (para) of (de) screw me (chingarme)

Based on these last, I interpolate that it means something like:
“Go screw me”

Oh dear!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

easy life

My life got so much better today. I was getting totally fed up with my 5th period class. It was chock-full, three different grade levels, and a bad combination of kids. So I called an emergency department meeting this morning and broke my 5th period class into two classes, one to be taught by me and one to be taught by Jeff and Mateo. The new classes are each manageable and a huge improvement. Being in a decision making position is so nice. Wouldn’t it be awful to have a problem class and nothing I could do about it!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

slug marathon

One of the reasons that public school is only 180 days per year is that it teachers can’t stand any more than that. Right now I am at the tail end of a very long period without any breaks. Winter break was 11 weeks ago and I have three weeks to go until spring break (a whole week off). I feel like I am running a marathon. I just hit mile 21 and don’t think I can make it to the end.

I am going to take a day off next week and just be slug at home and try not to think/worry about 12th graders who are failing and at risk for not graduating, 11th graders who won’t follow rules and are at risk for expulsion, 10th graders who cheat and got kicked out of the High School Exit Exam, and 9th graders who still are not being given the support from their general ed. teachers that they desperately need. Nope, I won’t think about any of that, I’ll just be a slug and watch TV and eat popcorn and drink Diet Coke. That will be nice.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


After a rather grisly discovery this evening (third bird in two weeks), I have decided to have Schataje wear a bell.

current interests

Currently watching: Six Feet Under, Season 5
Currently reading: just staring The DaVinci Code
Currently listening to: Don't Do Me Like That, Tom Petty
Currently climbing: 5.10cs and 5.10ds (at last, I thought I was stuck on 5.10bs forever)
Not Watching: American Inventor (what a disappointment!)

summer school

I volunteered to teach summer school this summer, but didn’t know what I would be teaching. I am “highly qualified” to teach multiple subjects so it could have been anything from math to English to *gulp* history (but I hoped not!). I asked Rachel yesterday, and she thinks that I’ll be teaching English 9.

I am excited about it because I think it’ll be a fun class to teach. I hope that I can teach either Of Mice and Men or Animal Farm.

Monday, March 20, 2006

basic instinct

Schataje came in through the cat door this morning with a live bird in her mouth! I yelled and she dropped the bird. The poor thing flew behind the refrigerator, with Schataje in close pursuit. I grabbed Schataje and locked her in the bedroom and pushed the bird out from behind the refrigerator with a broom. The frightened creature flew into the cupboard under the sink. I had to capture it with a colander and put it outside.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Schataje update


Schatajae visited the vet on Thursday. The vet took some blood. We got her ferritin back right away. Schataje is running low, indicating that she is anemic. The vet gave her a shot and gave me two additional shots to give her this week to address this problem. The shots should help give her a lot more energy and generally feel better and healthier.

Good news! Schataje has gained ½ pound in the last month! This is significant since she is a small cat. It appears that her new soft-food diet is agreeing with her.

More good news! The vet called on Saturday night to let us know that Schataje’s kidney blood work came back from the lab. Although one type of test showed that Schataje levels are too high, the other test came back in the normal range! This means that Schataje’s fluids therapy is working well and that Schataje is felling better. Schataje is still a very sick kitty, but is happy and comfortable now!

planet of the apes

Today, Keith and I went climbing in Malibu Creek State Park. We started at the Apes Wall, but it was so crowded that we decided to bypass climbing there and head back behind the rock pool to look for some open routes. The Apes Wall is so named because one of the Planet of the Apes movies has a scene filmed in front of it.

In order to reach some open routes, we traversed around the pool to find some not as crowded routes. Traversing around the rock pool was an adventure of its own. We were basically climbing horizontally just inches above a deep and cold pool of water. I was so scared about falling and dropping all of our expensive gear in the water. I made Keith take multiple traverse trips and carry all the gear.
After doing a few climbs behind the pool, we traversed back (again with Keith making multiple trips) and got on the Apes Wall. Then the sun started to set and, cold and tired, we headed back to the car.

A very fun day!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

the great garage clean-up

I am 5 week into the garage clean-up and things are going slowly but well. I have decided to donate all of my VHS tapes to the library and have thrown out a bunch of old clothes that I haven't worn forever. I sorted out some old tools and better organized my camping gear.
It may look worse, but that is only because there are a bunch of empty boxes sitting there now.

LA Clippers

On Friday, I volunteered at an LA Clippers game for Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times. The event was called “The Shirts off their Backs”. We sold raffle tickets for $1 and at the end of the game, the players stripped off their sweaty jerseys, signed them, and handed them out to the lucky winners (yuck!).

I was a volunteer leader, in charge of motivating and organizing 7 other volunteers. We were assigned to the suite area but had free range to roam the entire staples center. It was cool to be able to wander way up to the fancy boxes and all the way down to the courtside seats (where I spotted Frankie Muniz from Malcolm in the Middle).

I discovered that the best selling technique was to approach people in their seats and block them in so that they couldn’t escape my pitch. Even so, I only sold to about 10% of people I approached. Boy, it was tough to get shot down so much, but it was for a good cause.

In all, I sold over 160 tickets! Hurray me!

Friday, March 17, 2006

vocabulary test

10th grader

Wept: I fell and had a big wept on my leg.
Debt: When I am 18, I will have my own debt card.
Revive: I told my friend a secret because I know that she wouldn't revive me.
Alter: The alter is where people get married.

Thursday, March 16, 2006




Tala, Schataje, and I visited the vet today.

Schataje has gained ½ pound and is feeling much better in general. She has iron deficient anemia (I know what that is like!) and I got shots to give her at home. The vet would like me to keep giving her the IV fluids. We’ll know how her kidney is doing when the blood tests come back in a few days.

Tala got her rattlesnake booster vaccine and got so excited that she pooed on the vet’s floor. How embarrassing (caused a blushing episode)! The vet also cut her toenails, cleaned her ears, and “aspirated” a little weird bump that she had on her chest. She thought that it was great fun.

you know you’ve raised them well when…

I was five minutes late to my second period 9th grade class today, a meeting ran late. When I rushed in, I discovered that my 9th graders were sitting quietly around the table, with the table cleared and their books out. They were reading aloud from Fahrenheit 451 (we always start class with me reading aloud to them for 5 minutes). When I came in, they looked up, smiled and continued reading. I was so proud!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

wedding dress

Here is the dress I seclected for the wedding in April (which is white-tie formal). It may also be used for prom.

Comments PLEASE! Is it formal enough? Will it make my hips look big because of the high waist?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Tonight while I was cleaning the bathtub with bleach I had a vivid smemory (smell memory) of a book I used to have: Bambi's Fragrant Forest, which is a scratch and sniff book published in 1972. Specifically, I smemeber the page where Bambi was waking up in the wet forest after a rainstorm and you sniff a leaf. Do you remember that Ben? Did anyone else have this book?


I blush a lot. I usually blush when I am embarrassed, but for the first time today I blushed because I was mad. I was mad because, 20 minutes into class, my 11th graders had not yet started their assignment: to write a summary of a chapter of Cannery Row.

I dislike blushing. In fact, I hate it. I have erythrophobia, fear of blushing.

Monday, March 13, 2006

what kind of dog are you? TALA

You're A Labrador Retriver!
You're a Labrador Retriever! You're friendly and
always looking for fun, but you aren't too

What kind of dog are you?

what kind of dog are you? CARRIE

You're A Chihuahua!
You're a Chihuahua! You're small and cute, but you
try to make everyone think you're bigger than
you are. You like to bully people, but
you're loyal to one person.

What kind of dog are you?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

lazy weekend

I was so exhausted from Joshua Tree and all that yelling at kids that I needed to have a totally relaxed weekend.

On Saturday, Tala and I tried out the new Culver City Dog Park. It was neat, but has lots of room for improvement. Tala enjoyed meeting some nice new people and sniffing butts with other dogs.

On Sunday, Tala and I slept in late. Then we went to REI and spent a long time looking at books, admiring the Keen Newport H2 (see picture below), and helping Keith pick out a new hydration daypack. Then we went to Beach City Rocks and did some climbing. I have not been climbing in a couple of weeks due to time constraints and was disappointed to discover that in that short time I had lost some muscle strength in my back, bah!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Joshua Tree trip

I am back! The trip was both great and difficult. We contracted with an adventure trip company, Boojum, who provided our gear and planned the activities. We broke the students into six groups of 13 students with one ECHS teacher and one Boojum instructor in each group.

We did rock climbing, caving, hiking, and general camping activities (sleeping in tents, campfires, etc.). The activities were great! The cave was especially awesome. We had to crawl in through this little tiny hole that was only big enough to go in sideways and then slide down a four-foot long smooth rock slide and then climb up and over a bunch of boulders and obstacles. Eventually, we got to a neat water pool deep in the cave. It was so cool!

The students were awfully behaved. They were very rude and disrespectful the whole time. They cursed like pirates and threw their trash on the ground. They walked with their shoes in the tents and climbed all over the rocks without helmets on. They interrupted the Boojum staff and made fun of each other while rock climbing (i.e., “You’ll never climb that you fat gorilla”). They are a tough bunch.

Trip highlight: when it snowed on Friday morning and many of the kids had never ever seen snow before

Trip lowlight: Friday morning when it was freezing and so windy that I almost blew away and I couldn’t stop shivering

Best activity: exploring the cave

Worst activity: yelling at naughty students

Most interesting thing learned: Joshua Tree used to lay at the bottom of the ocean

Most painful thing learned: The Golden Choya REALLY hurts if it sticks you in the leg (make sure you click the enlarge the picture for full effect)

See for more pictures!

Monday, March 06, 2006


Things have been thoroughly crazy at work recently because of the impending Joshua Tree Trip (I am trip leader), my Sacramento trip, my school’s reaccredidation (which I am on the leadership team for) and regular IEPs and teaching. Despite working 10-12 hour days, I am still not able to get everything done.

In such a climate, I am not surprised that I forgot to pay the rent. I am in a bit of a pickle now. Should I call up the landlord and make some lame excuse (i.e.: “Oh I thought we were paying on the 15th of the month now!!!”), should I just pay now and pretend like it was on time, or should I wait till he says something and then act like, “Oh, you didn’t get it!? I sent it WEEKS ago!!!”?

Oakwilde Campground Hike

On Sunday I hiked from the Angeles Crest Highway in La Canada to Oakwilde Campgroup along the Arroyo Seco via Paul Little picnic area. It was a pleasant hike with warmish sunny weather. The stream crossing were numerous and a bit difficult and on the way back, we decided to save time by forging the river rather than hopping boulders. Total hike time was about 5 hours. We didn’t spot any snakes, but did see a pack of wild pugs foraging for treats in the chaparral.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Conejo Mountain rock climbing

Today, Tala Keith and I went climbing at Mystery Science Theater in the Conejo Mountain area (near Woodland Hills). The rock was hard, pokey, and finger hurting. The climbs were low-rated but difficult and Keith was a little nervous lead climbing (but not as nervous as I was lead belaying).

Tala had a fun day outdoors and has proven herself to be an excellent climbing companion. She patiently waits at the bottom of the rock and watches both climber and belayer with rapt attention. If you call her when you are halfway up a climb (15 or so feet in the air) and tell her “up-up” she even runs around and appears to attempt to comply (unsuccessfully obviously).

The approach was the most strenuous part of the adventure. Although a fire-road gives fairly easy access to the climbs, it was fenced off some time ago after a guy hurt himself up near the rocks. We had to bushwhack our way through the chaparral and up a big old mountain. Hard work!


I had some old tickets to Disneyland that had to be used by March 20th, so Keith and I went and used them. We picked the perfect day. It was freezing cold (low 50s) and raining. We rode every single “age appropriate” ride in the park (except Star Tours because it makes me sick) and quite a few “non-age appropriate” rides and encountered almost no lines.

Shortest line: Winnie the Pooh (less than 5 seconds)
Longest line: Roger Rabbit’s Cars (25 minutes)
Average wait time: 5 minutes

We got veggie burgers for lunch and I noticed that they also have veggie gumbo in new Orleans square. Three cheers for vegetarian friendly Disney!

We counted throughout the day and noted 24 total product placements throughout the park. Some were quite weird (Brawney’s Big Thunder Park… how are paper-towels related to western-themed railroads?). Boo for Disney selling out.

Carrie’s favorite ride: Splash Mountain (although admittedly, not as fun when it is 50 and raining).
Keith’s favorite ride: Space Mountain
Carrie’s highlight of the day: veggie burgers that Keith conceded were “almost as good as the real thing”
Keith’s highlight of the day: nostalgia

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