Tuesday, January 31, 2006
IPOD Video
Cost: $300
Store: Amazon.com
Delivery: 7-10 days (super saver free shipping)
I can't wait. But I am still mad about the Rio.
Rio Carbon
The Carbon is officially dead. Even the
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
sick again
I am sick again, this time it is pharyngitis (or sore throat). Wikipedia reports that 90% of sore throats are viral and that remaining cases are due to bacterial infections or oral thrush (fungus).
If this infection is, in fact, viral, the virus could be anything from mononucleosis to herpes. My hope is that it is a weak adenovirus.
EWWWW! I am glad my tonsils don't look like that!
Friday, January 27, 2006
interesting fact
childhood obesity
Today we took a field trip to plant trees in El Segundo. Before we left, while I was buying an apple at 7-11, I observed a bunch of my students buying Doritos and soda for breakfast.
Field Trip Highlight: Cramming 100 10th graders and 6 teachers into the public 125 Bus from El Segundo to
Thursday, January 26, 2006
fabulous gifts
I got two fabulous gifts today from two coworkers who wanted to gift me for very different reasons.
#1: I got a delicious and large cookie from a coworker who wanted to thank me for a favor.
#2: I have a large and fragrant bouquet of flowers from a coworker who wanted to apologize for a faux paux.
They both smell good and both look nice. But the cookie is long gone and the flowers are still on my desk.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
more trouble
Lost and found
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Highlight: watching my 12 and 13-year old campers get excited about running a face-paint booth at the "cartoon-ival"
Lowlight: bitterly cold temperatures up there near Idyllwild (see cold urticaria)
In other news, I recently purchased my own copy of "Settlers of Catan" my new favorite board game. It came in the mail today! Next I need "RoboRally".
Thursday, January 19, 2006
some good and some bad
Good news: In the search for the power cord, I found my missing checks, including the one from early December. I am now $3,407 richer.
Bad news: I can not celebrate the findings of my checks in this sad, quiet, music-less world.
Jerry's rules:
#1: No calls the next day
#2: Spending the night: optional
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
pop culture
Fortunately Sparktests helped me answer this question.
I am 63% pop culture savvy. 57% of people are less savvy than me— 9% are as savvy as me— 34% are more savvy than me.
Next, trying to keep a blog a secret is apparently a foolish idea, since although I have only now told one person about it, my sitemeter indicates that numerous other people have discovered it on their own.
I went rock climbing today and climbed pretty well. I lead climbed a 5.10a and top-roped some 5.10cs and one 5.10d. I climbed especially well after I noticed some newbies struggling with a 5.8 and went over and showed off some.
I have decided to do a study to see if the number of hours I work per day affects my climbing skill. For example, today I worked 9.5 hours and climbed at about 5.10c level. If I work more or less will I climb better or worse or will the two fail to correlate? We shall see. I will collect data over the next month and see if the two are related. Then I'll do a new study and try to correlate climbing skill to another factor (for example, the presence of newbies).
cat is out
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Great Idea!!!
I have been wanting to play Balderdash but was afraid to play it with friends for fear of seeming really dorky and somewhat lame. Then I realized that I can make my students play it with me with no fear, because they already think I am really dorky and somewhat lame. This realization is rather exhilarating.
current interests
Currently reading: Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
Currently listening to: Lighthouse Family
Currently playing: Settlers of Catan
Here are the semi- interesting things going on in my life:
#1: I am leaving to spend the weekend at Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times on Friday (where I volunteer with kids with cancer) but I have not yet arranged for dog care for Tala. In my typical fashion, I have acknowledged that finding dog care gives me anxiety but have still been unable to complete the task. I realized that this was the type of thing that Jim would have taken care of and I guess it is good that I am forced to deal with it myself.
#2: Last month I lost a paycheck and have not received a replacement yet. Now I realize that I lost another paycheck and two reimbursement checks. Lost checks now total approximately $3,500. This is becoming a problem. Again, something Jim would have taken care of for me.