Tuesday, May 16, 2006


As I near the home stretch for the school year I find myself more and more eager for some time away from the kids. Just normal teenage stuff is really getting on my nerves. The kids are just as eager for summer as I am. We all have June jitters.

At school, we got two pieces of news today. First, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) granted us a six year reaccreditation (the longest possible). I was part of the WASC leadership team, so I am very proud.

Next, we got our 2004-05 Academic Performance Index (API) ranking. We ranked 3;10. That is, with ten being highest, our standardized test scores rank 3 state-wide but 10 compared to schools in our demographic category (racial and socioeconomic). That means that even though our kids are still deficient, compared to other minority low-income kids they are doing the BEST!

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