Wednesday, May 10, 2006


ATTENTION READERS: This week is Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

So far I have been appreciated in the following ways:

#1: Thank-you Note
I received a sweet note from a ninth grade boy who wrote, “Thank you for understanding me and thank you for believing in me.”

#2: Teacher Appreciation Lunch
We had a big catered lunch today. The theme was soul food. Vegetarian choices included mashed potatoes, biscuits, mac & cheese, and other similarly greasy food with soul. Due to the sensitive nature of my tummy, I generally partake in such foods with moderation. However, in my appreciation ecstasy, I gobbled up too much greasy food and felt sick for the rest of the day. There was also cake (my nemesis) and I ate a lot of that too.

#3: Pace Message
This evening I received a recorded phone call from the superintendent of Inglewood School District. She wanted to give every Inglewood District employee a personal thank-you. This struck me as odd for two reasons. First, I do not work for Inglewood School District, so I wonder how she got my number. Second, although she specifically said that her message was intended to be personal, it was prerecorded and it sounded like it was sent to all district employees. But hey, I know that she took the 10 minutes out of her schedule to record that pace message, so thanks, I feel appreciated!

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