Sunday, March 26, 2006

Echo Cliffs

Today, Keith, Joe, Sri, Tala and I headed out to Echo Cliffs for a day of climbing. The hike in was a real butt-kicker, hot, long, and exposed. But it is worth it, because climbing at the cliffs is great. Tala especially liked the hike and even did a few 4th class scrambles by herself. When we reached the cliffs, we started out in the Grotto and climbed a 5.9 and a 5.8. Then we jetted over the Easy Street and practiced leading on some really easy climbs (5.6 and 5.7). Finally we went over to the Java Wall and climbed up a 5.10a and a 5.10b. It was great day, and we are all exhausted!

5.8 in The Grotto
Tala, guarding the gear.

I think "Tala napping by the gear" is more accurate. And it was a really great day!
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