Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I don't drink a lot of soda, so when my school banned all sodas on campus last month, I was nonplussed. But inexplicably, now that the ban is in full swing, with detentions being handed out galore to soda drinking student and teachers shaming each other for secretly guzzling the bubbly stuff, I have been craving soda almost everyday. Access is limited, the soda machine was restocked with *blech* juice. I am reduced to sneaking over to the corner store and hiding my Diet Pepsi under my shirt on the way back to the office. This is getting ridiculous. The more unacceptable, the more I crave it. I drank three Diet Pepsis today. This can’t be healthy.

How about sprite in a Nalgene? Although you did say even water bottles are banned.
Well, I could do that... except that someone else has my Nalgene.
You could drink it out of a brown paper bag!
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