Wednesday, January 18, 2006


First, you'll all be glad to know that I found a dog sitter for Tala. I sent out a mass email and a friend at work took pity on me, I only hope she does not come to regret it. Tala joined me at work today and happily deposited fur all over my classroom and students.

Next, trying to keep a blog a secret is apparently a foolish idea, since although I have only now told one person about it, my sitemeter indicates that numerous other people have discovered it on their own.

I went rock climbing today and climbed pretty well. I lead climbed a 5.10a and top-roped some 5.10cs and one 5.10d. I climbed especially well after I noticed some newbies struggling with a 5.8 and went over and showed off some.

I have decided to do a study to see if the number of hours I work per day affects my climbing skill. For example, today I worked 9.5 hours and climbed at about 5.10c level. If I work more or less will I climb better or worse or will the two fail to correlate? We shall see. I will collect data over the next month and see if the two are related. Then I'll do a new study and try to correlate climbing skill to another factor (for example, the presence of newbies).

I always found that if newbies were around, I would climb rather poorly. Unless of course, they weren't looking, and then I'd climb awesome. Oh well, can't spend all your climbing time impressing the n00bs.
Wow, that looks incredible. I am petrified of climbing!
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